Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information
The English Institute of Sport is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For more information on what this means, please visit the FOI web site -
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 comes into force on January 1 2005. This will make information more accessible to the public and will allow people to request a wide variety of material. This section contains some information on the proposals and explains how citizens can make an FOI request. It also explains what material English Institute of Sport currently publishes and where it is available.
How to contact us
Requests should be sent in writing to Freedom of Information, English Institute of Sport, National Office, Sportcity, Gate 13, Rowsley Street, Manchester, M11 3FF or by email to
Publication scheme
The Publication Scheme specifies the categories of information that English Institute of Sport publishes at the moment and will publish in the future and explains how to obtain that information.
Complaints and Feedback
We intend to be as open as possible and provide you with the information you have requested but as set out in Section 9 of the Act English Institute of Sport may not always be able to provide the requested information. Where we apply exemption provisions and withhold the information we will write to you giving our reasons for refusal.
If you are dissatisfied with our response in the first place you may wish to see an internal review of our decision. A member of staff who was not involved in the original request will undertake the review and will inform you in writing of the outcome.
You will also be able to complain direct to the Information Commissioner if you feel we have not complied with our obligations under that requirement. Further details are available on the Information Commissioner website
If you prefer, you may alternatively contact the Information Commissioner direct at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Information Line: 01625 545745
Switchboard: 01625 545700
Fax:01625 524510
How do I comment or complain?
If you wish to comment or complain about our Publication Scheme we would be pleased to hear from you. We would especially welcome suggestions for additional classes of information that could be included. Our contact details are listed above.